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Last Payout: 466 days ago

Our Investment: $150.00

Payout Ratio: 385% in profit

User's Rating: 0%

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Min Deposit: $1

Online: 227 days

Min Withdrawal: $1

Monitored: 220 days

Script: Undefined

Withdraw: Instant

Hosting: Cloudflare


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Investment Plans: 1.8% daily for 10 days; 2.13% daily for 30 days; 3.27% daily for 60 days; 5.87% daily for 100 days (principal return)
Doradus status at this moment is NOT PAYING

Doradus Program Description

In the orbit of investments
Just half a century ago, man first went into outer space and until the 2010s, the entire industry remained under the strict control of a small group of states and for the most part these studies were in the nature of a competition.
However, since mankind made a technological leap, the invention of the global network, personal computers, telephones, and then smartphones, the vector of interest quite predictably changed its course and rushed to exclusively "earthly" affairs.

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